
Each national team wrote a few questions for "A DIALOGUE BETWEEN TWO GENERATIONS". Here are the questions that came out of the "Czech brainstorming":

- When you were a schoolboy / schoolgirl, did you have any subjects which pupils don´t have nowadays?
- What subjects at school did you like best? Which did you dislike? Why?
- How did you use to get to school? (on foot, by bus, ...) How long did it take?
- What time did the lessons start? When did the lessons usually finish?
- Did you have to go to school on Sundays?
- Did you have to wear a uniform?
- Did you have to wear any slippers or home shoes when you were at school?
- Did you use to go on school trips / excursions? If so, what places did you usually go to?
- Did you have a best friend at school? What was his / her name? Are you still friends?
- Were you ever a victim of bullying at school?
- What did you use to have for snack? Did you buy it or did you bring it from home?
- Did you use to have lunch in the school canteen? If so, what was it like? What was your favourite / most disliked dish? If you didn´t go to the school canteen, where did you have lunch?
- Were there any afternoon clubs in your school? Did you attend any of them?

The next step was voting for the top ten questions using DOTSTORMING. We worked as a huge international team.

After that the selected questions were translated into all national languages. Here are the questions in Czech.

1 Jaké předměty jsi měl/a ve škole nejraději? Které jsi neměla/a rád/a? Proč?
2 Jaká byla školní pravidla, když jsi byl /a ve škole? Byla jiná než ta dnešní?
3 Jak ses dostával/a do školy? Chodil /a jsi pěšky nebo jezdila autobusem / autem? Jak dlouho ti cesta trvala?
4 Jaké veselé historky ze školy si pamatuješ?
5 Kolik jsi měl/a volného času? Co jsi dělal/a ve volném čase?
6 Jak dlouho jsi směl/a zůstat večer venku?
7 Jaké hry jsi hrál/a, když jsi byl/a dítě?
8 Měl/a jsi zvířátko pro potěšení?
9 Měl/a jsi nějakého nejlepšího kamaráda / kamarádku? Jak se jmenoval/a? Jste ještě nějak ve spojení?
10 Směl/a jsi mít dívku /chlapce, když jsi byl/a ve škole? Směl/a tě navštěvovat u vás doma?

To collect the answers, the Czech team choose GOOGLE forms.

The students interviewed their grandparents (or even their great-grandparents) and answered the survey questions in Czech or English (their choice). After that those who prefered the Czech answers first, translated the answers into English independently or with the teachers help - it was an opportunity for working with mistake and individual approach. In the gallery below you can see some of the answers.

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